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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Post Conference: Follow Through

As conference comes to a close today I find myself reflecting on the things I've learned. Since I approached this Conference with questions, here are some answers:

Please accept my apology that I am horrible at quotes, so I won't be using many quotes in this post, just principles.

Why am I so much more excited for this conference than previous conferences?

I don't know exactly why I was more excited than previous years for this conference, but I know that it has been a spiritual conference. Maybe it's more a sign of where I am today, than anything else. I am truly grateful that I was able to watch this conference, and am grateful for all the testimonies born, and the principles taught.What I have to say covers very little of what we heard in conference.

How can I be a better husband?

There is a lot to be said on this one subject but three things stick out above all others.
1. Marriage is a FULL partnership (Elder Oaks)
2. Serve
3. Be in the present.

How can I be a better Elder's Quorum teacher?

Again, a lot of material but some good bullet points:
1. Seek not thine own glory
2. Learn of Christ. Teach of Christ.
3. Serve.
4. Be the example, not just the mouthpiece.
5. Seek personal revelation.

How can I be a better LDS example at work? (Includes improving my attitude, and not murmuring)

1. Strengthen your testimony.
2. Be the same person at work as you are at church.
3. Be courageous and stand up for the truth.
4. Serve without complaint
5. Be grateful

How can I help in the missionary work of my ward?

1. Just do it.
2. Get to know your neighbors.
3. Have compassion.
4. Serve.
5. Be courageous and teach the word.
6. Strengthen your testimony.

What work does the Lord want me engaged in right now?

1. The lord wants me to be the best Elder's Quorum teacher I can be.
2. He wants me to be a missionary.
3. He wants me to stop being scared of mortal consequences but to be courageous and stand for truth.
4. He wants me to serve my fellowman.

How do I find more purpose in prayer?

This is a big one.

1. Strengthen your testimony of the Living Christ.
2. Strengthen your testimony of the church.
3. Seek him out in prayer.
4. Don't just pray, but follow through.
5. Love and serve.

Is President Monson the Lord's prophet?

As I pointed out, I've struggled with my testimony of Thomas S. Monson as the prophet since President Hinckley died.

I gained a testimony of President Monson as Prophet of the church at the end of the Priesthood Session. President Monson spoke with such power, and such truth that I stopped taking notes so I could listen. He spoke with the power of God, and it was amazing.

How do I inspire myself to get of the couch, and get out into the world and do the work of the Lord?

I've started to think this is the curse of our generation, or one of them. How many of us waste our time on Buzzfeed, FaceBook, Twitter, YouTube, watching TV, and so on? So here are some bullet points for combating our laziness.

1. Have courage to go and do.
2. Be present in the now.
3. Find joy in the mundane.
4. Be grateful for the good and the bad.
5. Turn it off.
6. Educate your desires.

How do I get out of debt while paying my current obligations?

This wasn't spoken of directly, but I think there are things that can be garnered from conference that apply:

1. Be focused on getting out of debt.
2. Remember there is more to life than debt.
3. Do not seek things of the world.
4. Have hope that you can be free.
5. Work in concert with your spouse to get out of debt.

In closing

Maybe the most important thing to get out of conference is to learn to be more like Christ, and follow our leaders as examples of Christ. They should be the heroes we emulate.

I want to add my testimony to those we've heard today. Mine is small in comparison, and comes with much less backing of knowledge, and experience, but it is mine nonetheless.

Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior. He is that we may be also. He suffered so that he could succor us. He died so that we could live. He is the way, the truth, and the light. Joseph Smith restored the gospel as the Lord's Prophet. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the Lord's true church on the Earth today. It is our purpose to bring about God's greater purposes amongst the children of men.

In Jesus's holy name, Amen.

Now, I turn it over to you: What did  you learn in Conference?

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